• 著者出井雅彦 佐藤晋也 デイヴィッド・マン
  • 出版社創元社
  • ISBN9784422430355
  • 発行2020年12月


Fascinating micro-beauty of nature
Diatoms are microscopic algae widely distributed in marine and freshwater environment, with an estimated species number of about 100,000. Their cell wall is made of silica, with various species-specific, almost geometrical shapes, and close-ups show their fabulous decoration with finely sculptured ornaments and regularly arranged pores and projections.
Diatoms are everywhere around us and easily ignored, even though they give us the oxygen in every fifth breath we take, but once you look at them under a microscope, an extraordinary and mysterious world is revealed ? one whose beauty will undoubtfully make you hold your breath.
This is a unique photobook revealing the amazing micro-world of diatoms as never before.
【Japanese/English bilingual book】"

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