• AuthorTruman Capote
  • ISBN9780141182797

Breakfast at Tiffany's

With her tousled blond hair and upturned nose, dark glasses and chic black dresses, she is top notch in style and a sensation wherever she goes. He brownstone apartment vibrates with Martini-soaked parties as she plays hostess to millionaires and gangsters alike. Yet Holly never loses sight of her ultimate goal - to find a real life place like Tiffany's that makes her feel at home. Immortalized in a film starring Audrey Hepburn, Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's is full of sharp wit and in its exuberant cast of characters vividly captures the restless, madcap era of early 1940s New York. This edition also contains three stories: 'House of Flowers', 'A Diamond Guitar' and 'A Christmas Memory'.

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