  • AuthorBrad Williams Ozh Richard Justin Tadlock
  • ISBN9780470916223

Professional WordPress Plugin Development

Taking WordPress to the next level with advanced plugin development WordPress is used to create self-hosted blogs and sites, and it's fast becoming the most popular content management system (CMS) on the Web. Now you can extend it for personal, corporate and enterprise use with advanced plugins and this professional development guide. Learn how to create plugins using the WordPress plugin API: utilize hooks, store custom settings, craft translation files, secure your plugins, set custom user roles, integrate widgets, work with JavaScript and AJAX, create custom post types. You'll find a practical, solutions-based approach, lots of helpful examples, and plenty of code you can incorporate! Shows you how to develop advanced plugins for the most popular CMS platform today, WordPress Covers plugin fundamentals, how to create and customize hooks, internationalizing your site with translation files, securing plugins, how to create customer users, and ways to lock down specific areas for use in corporate settings Delves into advanced topics, including creating widgets and metaboxes, debugging, using JavaScript and AJAX, Cron integration, custom post types, short codes, multi site functions, and working with the HTTP API Includes pointers on how to debug, profile and optimize your code, and how to market your custom plugin Learn advanced plugin techniques and extend WordPress into the corporate environment.

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