Stickyscapes London

Sticker, learn and play! Create your own real and imaginary London with over 100 stickers that will bring this panoramic play scene to life. One side represents actual, present day London, while the other features the fictional and historical city. From the iconic red buses and the Queen to Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare, and Charlie Chaplin – learning about the city has never been such fun!

>> 続きを表示


  • マドレーヌといたずらっこ
  • L'histoire et la vie d'une maison
  • Up Goes the Skyscraper!
  • ぼくは建築家ヤング・フランク
  • ひらめきの建築家ガウディ
  • Louise Builds a House
  • どうやって作るの? / パンから電気まで
  • 小さな芸術家のための工作ブック
  • 私、ジョージア
  • The House that Jill Built