  • 著者George David Weiss Bob Thiele
  • ISBN9780689800870

What a Wonderful World

What simpler way could there be to express to children the beauty and the harmony in the world around them than through the lyrics of this song by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele, made famous by the great Louis Armstrong? And what better visual accompaniment than the bright colorful artwork by award-winning Ashley Bryan depicting children of many backgrounds (and Louis Armstrong himself) performing a puppet show that brings the lyrics to life. Here is a book of brightness, wonder, and hope to be shared by all.

>> 続きを表示


  • マドレーヌといたずらっこ
  • L'histoire et la vie d'une maison
  • Up Goes the Skyscraper!
  • ぼくは建築家ヤング・フランク
  • ひらめきの建築家ガウディ
  • Louise Builds a House
  • どうやって作るの? / パンから電気まで
  • 小さな芸術家のための工作ブック
  • 私、ジョージア
  • The House that Jill Built