• ISBN9781942185437

Janelle Lynch: Another Way of Looking at Love

In 'Another Way of Looking at Love', the landscape is explored as a metaphor to consider the personal, societal, and environmental consequences of disconnection, and simultaneously, our yearning to be connected. From 2015-2018, Janelle Lynch (born 1969) has used an 8 x 10 camera to create still lives in the landscape that combine similar and disparate visual and biological elements. This process begins by identifying details in nature that, based on a unique vantage point, created geometric formations of closure. The connective point, or nucleus, that is created by the union becomes the artist?s plane of focus. The work is informed by Lynch?s recent immersion in drawing and painting from perception, primarily by charcoal mark-making?a new aspect of her practice that has allowed for a deeper inquiry into the nature of seeing, such as: formal abstraction, color relativity, and the notion of relationality.

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