• 著者Lindsay Barrett George
  • ISBN9780688170561

In the Snow: Who's Been Here?

The woods are cold and desolate as Cammy and William hike through the snow, yet signs of animal life are everywhere. Help them find the clues -- a pellet of feathers and bones, a fish head by the brook, a patch of bark rubbed off the trunk of a birch tree, and more -- and join in guessing, "Who's been here?"

>> 続きを表示


  • かつおどりとあほうどり
  • にんじんだいこんごぼう / 日本の昔話より
  • どうぶつのあしがたずかん
  • のりものずかん
  • でんしゃずかん
  • The dream
  • むし 改訂版 / くらしとかいかた
  • If--
  • しごとば
  • ぼくのがっこう