• AuthorDorling Kindersley
  • ISBN9781409379249

What's Where in the World

Take a tour of planet Earth using this unique map-based encyclopedia showing you what's where in the worlds of engineering and technology, art and culture, history, nature, Earth science, and human populations. With 75 3-D world maps, this book shows you things such as the world's tallest buildings, longest rivers, most dangerous earthquake spots, and even where you can scratch a whale's tongue! And if you have ever wondered where the best places to go diving for shipwrecks are, then look no further. What's Where in the World is filled with state-of-the-art maps that bring each and every page to life, covering diverse topics in six chapters on the Earth, the living world, people and planet, engineering and technology, history, and culture. It is the perfect book for school projects or simply for sating that curiosity.

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