  • AuthorGerd Gigerenzer
  • ISBN9780141015910

Gut Feelings

Think less � and know more. A sportsman can catch a ball without calculating its speed or distance. A group of amateurs beat the experts at playing the stock market. A man falls for the right woman even though she�s �wrong� on paper. All these people succeeded by trusting their instincts � but how does it work? In Gut Feelings psychologist and behavioural expert Gerd Gigerenzer reveals the secrets of fast and effective decision-making. He explains that, in an uncertain world, sometimes we have to ignore too much information and rely on our brain�s �short cut�, or heuristic. By explaining how intuition works and analyzing the techniques that people use to make good decisions � whether it�s in personnel selection or heart surgery � Gigerenzer will show you why gut thinking can change your world.

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