• AuthorStephen W. Hawking Stephen Hawking
  • ISBN9780593048153

The Universe in a Nutshell

In this brilliant sequel to the phenomenally successful A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME Stephen Hawking unravels the amazing theoretical breakthroughs that have happened during the decade that followed the publication of that bestseller. In an erudite yet accessible style Hawkins guides us through the evolution of Einstein's relativity, the uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics, five string theories, M-theory and the mysterious p-branes that seem to pave the way for that grail of theoretical physics - the big TOE - the Theory of Everything. He conveys the excitement felt at present within the scientific community as he travels with us through an Alice in Wonderland universe of ten dimensions; which might be just one of the many alternative histories, where black holes evaporate, superstrings curl up on themselves and parallel universes contract to nothing. Beautifully illustrated throughout, with original artwork commissioned for this project, THE UNIVERSE IN A NUTSHELL is guaranteed to be the biggest science book of 2001.

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