  • 著者Karin Niedermeier
  • ISBN9780762730643

Pizza Art

Pizza is a universal food - beloved here in the United States, where statistics show that Americans consume more than 100 acres of pizza a day. That's about 350 slices a second! With the help of this innovative idea book, pizza lovers can stretch their imagination, their brain, and their stomach by learning art history while they munch. Whether you're in the mood for a Picasso or a Keith Haring, something in the style of the Incas, or perhaps a pizza out of a fairy tale, you will be inspired by these absolutely new and original pizza variations. They're guaranteed to make you smile. This full-color book includes: * basic recipes for delicious dough and sauces * witty food design based on art masterpieces * easy to follow decorating tips * hours of laughter and fun

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