• AuthorRemo Laubacher
  • ISBN9781849514286

Concrete5 Beginner's Guide

Concrete5 is a content management system for PHP developers. It can be used to build a range of sites and is particularly optimized for creating marketing websites.The Concrete5 Beginner's Guide will show you how to get up and running with Concrete5 as quickly and painlessly as possible. Taking you from installation to deployment, this is the only reference that you will need for creating your new Concrete5 site.By using a number of real-world examples, as well as taking you through the set up of a sample site, this book will enable you to become familiar with all of Concrete5's features. Use add-ons, themes, and blocks to give your site the look-and-feel that you desire. Simple PHP will enable you to customize the layout and navigation options of your site, as well extend the dashboard giving you a fully functional, professional site in no time.A step-by-step guide to creating professional, feature-rich sites with Concrete5

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