  • 著者Vaart,A.W.vander/著
  • 出版社Cambridge University Press
  • ISBN9780521784504
  • 発行2000年0月

Asymptotic statistics

This book is an introduction to the field of asymptotic statistics. The treatment is both practical and mathematically rigorous. In addition to most of the standard topics of an asymptotics course, including likelihood inference, M-estimation, the theory of asymptotic efficiency, U-statistics, and rank procedures, the book also presents recent research topics such as semiparametric models, the bootstrap, and empirical processes and their applications. The topics are organized from the central idea of approximation by limit experiments, which gives the book one of its unifying themes. This entails mainly the local approximation of the classical i.i.d. set up with smooth parameters by location experiments involving a single, normally distributed observation. Thus, even the standard subjects of asymptotic statistics are presented in a novel way. Suitable as a graduate or Master's level statistics text, this book will also give researchers an overview of research in asymptotic statistics.

>> 続きを表示


  • ウェーブレット10講
  • 深層学習による自然言語処理
  • 確率的最適化
  • カーネル法入門 / 正定値カーネルによるデータ解析
  • ベゾフ空間論
  • High-Dimensional Probability
  • データ同化入門 / 次世代のシミュレーション技術
  • Support Vector Machines
  • 最適化と変分法
  • Sparse Modeling