• 著者Sina Najafi
  • ISBN9781932698466

Cabinet 47: Logistics

Every time you put a letter in the mail, every time you stop at a traffic light, a complex--and usually invisible--network of logistics is at work. Cabinetissue 47, with a special section on Logistics, features James Whittington on the diaries of Dmitri Pavlov, the Soviet official who determined who would eat and who would starve during the siege of Leningrad; Jacqueline Bochner on the harmonization of international postal systems; Daniella Stone on the logistics of the hospital kitchen; and a travelogue from the Cabinet "Hand-Delivered Issue Road Trip." Elsewhere in the issue: Rasha Salti on intrigue and celebrity in the bar of Beirut's Phoenicia Hotel; Jeffrey Kastner on saintly "incorruptibles"; and Will Wiles on Bill Phillips' "MONIAC," a device that models the national economy using the flow of liquids.

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