• 著者Jason Lankow Josh Ritchie Ross Crooks
  • ISBN9781118314043


Transform your marketing efforts through the power of visual content In today's fast-paced environment, you must communicate your message in a concise and engaging way that sets it apart from the noise. Visual content—such as infographics and data visualization—can accomplish this. With DIY functionality, Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling will teach you how to find stories in your data, and how to visually communicate and share them with your audience for maximum impact. Infographics will show you the vast potential to using the communication medium as a marketing tool by creating informative and shareable infographic content. Learn how to explain an object, idea, or process using strong illustration that captures interest and provides instant clarity Discover how to unlock interesting stories (in previously buried or boring data) and turn them into visual communications that building brands and increase sales Use the power of visual content to communicate with and engage your audience, capture attention, and expand your market.

>> 続きを表示


  • 道草を食む : 雑草をおいしく食べる研究所
  • 道草を食む : 雑草をおいしく食べる研究所
  • Farmlife / 新・農家スタイルー大地と生きる人たち
  • 菌根の世界 / 菌と植物のきってもきれない関係
  • カフェの空間学世界のデザイン手法 / Site specific cafe design
  • カフェの空間学世界のデザイン手法 / Site specific cafe design
  • 仏具とノーベル賞 京都・島津製作所創業伝
  • あるノルウェーの大工の日記
  • 動いている庭 / 谷の庭から惑星という庭へ
  • 建築家の考えた家に住むということ / 共生住居顛末記