  • 著者Maja Wilson
  • ISBN9780325008561

Rethinking rubrics in writing assessment

The book you're about to read is not only a superb analysis of rubrics but a lesson in how to apply careful thinking to classroom practice. - Alfie Kohn, Author of The Case Against Standardized Testing This book will create the conversations educators desperately need-about accurate assessment, quality in writing, and informed teaching. - Randy Bomer, Author of For a Better World The conventional wisdom in English education is that rubrics are the best and easiest tools for assessment. But sometimes it's better to be unconventional. In Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessment, Maja Wilson offers a new perspective on rubrics and argues for a better, more responsive way to think about assessing writers' progress. Though you may sense a disconnect between student-centered teaching and rubric-based assessment, you may still use rubrics for convenience or for want of better alternatives. Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessmentgives you the impetus to make a change, demonstrating how rubrics can hurt kids and replace professional decision making with an inauthentic pigeonholing that stamps standardization onto a notably nonstandard process. With an emphasis on thoughtful planning and teaching, Wilson shows you how to reconsider writing assessment so that it aligns more closely with high-quality instruction and avoids the potentially damaging effects of rubrics. Stop listening to the conventional wisdom, and turn instead to a compelling new voice to find out why rubrics are often replaceable. Open Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessmentand let Maja Wilson start you down the path to more sensitive, authentic style of writing assessment.

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