• 著者Adobe Systems
  • ISBN9780201615883

PDF reference

Adobe Acrobat PDF is the #1 solution for cross-platform exchange of formatted files -- and with Acrobat 4.0/PDF 1.3, PDF becomes an even more powerful solution for secure Web document delivery, prepress, and other key applications. PDF Reference, Second Edition is Adobe's authoritative technical guide to the PDF format: essential for any developer who wants to write programs that read or generate PDF files, and for any advanced user who needs to understand PDF files in depth. Adobe engineers introduce every key aspect of the PDF format, including the relationship of PDF to PostScript; the Adobe imaging model; file compression; font handling; and PDF architecture. The book covers all four components of a PDF file: objects, file structure, document structure, and page description. It contains practical recommendations for optimizing PDF files; detailed coverage of new PDF 1.3 features such as encryption and Web capture; and much more. Appendices include example PDF files, predefined font encodings, compatibility notes, language and country codes, and other essential information for developers and advanced users.

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