  • 著者Müller-Brockmann,Josef/著 Muller-BrockmannJosef/著
  • 出版社Verlag Gerd Hatje;Verlag Arthur Niggli
  • ISBN9783721201451
  • 発行1988年0月

Grid systems in graphic design : a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers, and three dimensional designers

This book is suitable for those who work with automated text and image design. It shows examples of working correctly on a conceptual level. Exact directions for using all of the grid systems presented (8 to 32 grid fields) are given to the user. These can be used for the most varied of projects. The three-dimensional grid is treated as well. Put simply: a guidebook from the profession for the profession. The development of organisational systems in visual communication was the service and the accomplishment of the representatives of simple and functional typography and graphic design. In the 1920s in Europe, works already arose in the areas of typography, graphic design and photography with objectified conception and rigid composition. In 1961 a brief presentation of the grid with text and illustrations appeared for the first time in an earlier book by the author. Articles published mainly in trade journals then followed. This book now attempts to close a gap by giving examples and exact directions to the professional concerning all grid problems that can occur. The author, a world-renowned professional, thus offers his colleagues the tools to solve problems more easily.

>> 続きを表示


  • 構成・文字デザイン
  • 基礎デザイン 新版
  • アトリビューション / 広告効果の考え方を根底から覆す新手法
  • 日本デザイン論
  • 編集デザイン入門 / 編集者・デザイナーのための視覚表現法
  • Color composition / Systematic/subjective selection
  • デザインのための数学
  • 空間的データ構造とアルゴリズム