Liaison Center Library

It is run by the Japan Design Promotion Organization (JDP), a public interest incorporated foundation that hosts the Good Design Award. You can also read books on "Design & Art Bookshelf" at the Roppongi Futures Conference, run by Tokyo Midtown, and "Town Library," which you can share with the books related to design held by JDP. The location is in the Tokyo Midtown Tower 5F Gallery, Design Hub. Please visit us after checking the schedule, etc.

new & donated

  • car styling カースタイリング 008-019(2016.5-2019.2)+最新コンセプトカーのすべて2018-2019
  • BRUTUS (ブルータス) 2015年 2/1号
  • 新建築 2014年 11月号
  • JIA建築年鑑 19(2023ー2024)
  • 事業構想増刊 月刊先端教育 2024年 12月号